About us

About "Resultat-Audit"

Resultat-Audit LLC follows three principles in its work: reliability, flexibility, expertise.

Reliability. For more than 10 years, Resultat-Audit LLC has been successfully engaged in consulting services in the field of registration of various medical devices, including medical devices for in vitro diagnostics. We help developers, manufacturers, and distributors to bring new medical devices to the Russian market, increasing the availability of advanced medical technologies for millions of people. Our portfolio includes more than 400 successfully implemented projects, including for leading medical manufacturing companies.

Flexibility. We provide the widest possible range of consulting services in the field of circulation of medical devices and strictly comply with the terms of the contract. We offer various terms of cooperation, based on the real needs of customers.

Expertise. Many years of experience, constant professional development of employees, including in our own training center "Resultat-Audit", continuous monitoring of legislation in this area, as well as an individual approach to solving tasks within the framework of registration of medical devices allow us to provide high-quality services. Our experts have extensive knowledge of regulatory documentation and work with projects of any complexity.


Resultat-Audit LLC is a member of the Electrontest group of companies and provides a comprehensive solution for the registration of medical devices in the Russian Federation and the EAEU. The group of companies, in addition to Resultat-Audit LLC, includes the following companies:

Electrontest LLC is a testing laboratory accredited for technical testing of medical devices, and a clinical diagnostic laboratory "Electrontest", which conducts in vitro clinical studies of medical devices

Electrontestbio LLC  is an accredited testing toxicological laboratory that provides testing of medical devices and medicines for biological safety. The laboratory includes divisions of microbiological research, chemical-sanitary research and toxicological research with a vivarium.

Our professional team will be happy to help you register medical devices of any complexity.

Order a free consultation and we will call you back as soon as possible, dive into the problem and offer a solution!